"AUP" is the leader of rubber compounds and molded rubber products market in Australia. Our products are used in various fields of industrial production, for assembling cars and units of automotive production, agricultural machinery and consumer goods.
We have more than 25+ years of experience in rubber products manufacturing, the reputation of a stable company with high-quality products and a strong team of professionals. Cooperation with our company allows you to follow the basic course aimed at creating competitive products, services and maximizing customer satisfaction.
To implement the Policy, the management identified the main areas:
- ensuring stable quality of serial products with strict observance of customer requirements.
- constant carrying out of scientific research works on the use of new materials, ingredients for rubber compounds, the expansion of the use of materials from various manufacturers to form the best and exclusive proposals.
- regular training, increase of competence, motivation and responsibility of personnel.
- development, implementation and continuous improvement of the quality system of the enterprise.
- systematic and comprehensive analysis of current and future requirements, customer expectations and their satisfaction with our products, services, delivery on time and the best solution for price and quality.